Week 1: Saturday

Cam Jarman
Jan 19, 2023


Date: 1.14.2023

My running views today. Miramare Castle in the background and snowcapped mtns. in the backbackground


Morning Run: 1:00, Zone 2.

Morning Run

1:00, Zone 2.

The run felt great! Another nice day to be outside and on my favorite (one of the only) running paths. Running along the Adriatic Sea is pretty damn special.

Pace felt good. Legs felt fresh.



Saturday run was so good. Reminded me of my training back in summer for the NYC marathon.

We took advantage of the nice day and did a really cool hike up the canyons in the hills and stopped at the refugio for lunch (hence the 1,700 calorie lunch… I got two entrees…).



Cam Jarman

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